A wealth of information is available online related to grief, loss and bereavement.
Following the death of a loved one, it can feel overwhelming to navigate the myriad of materials.
I wanted to provide a list of trusted resources that I found helpful in the early days of my grief and have continued to access.
This is not an exhaustive list, just a useful starting point, my personal favourites.
I hope you find them helpful.
At a Loss https://www.ataloss.org/
Good Grief Project https://thegoodgriefproject.co.uk/
Good Grief Trust https://www.thegoodgrieftrust.org/
TCF https://www.tcf.org.uk/
What’s Your Grief https://whatsyourgrief.com/
Untangled Grief https://untanglegrief.com/
Grief Specialists https://www.griefspecialists.org/
Suicide Loss Specific
SOBS https://uksobs.org/
Suicide and Co https://www.suicideandco.org/
Griefcast Good Mourning
Shapes of Grief Grief Out Loud
Trusted Experts
Julia Samuels - psychotherapist, counsellor and author
David Kessler - grief and loss specialist, author
Kathryn Mannix - palliative care doctor, author
TED Talks
Nora McInerny - We don't "move on" from grief. We move forward with it
Lucy Hone - The three secrets of resilient people
If you feel you would benefit from one-to-one coaching support please get in touch for a chat with me, Suzanne Howes, at www.coachingafterloss.com